Taro Leaves Dried Whole Non Grade
Size: 20–30 cm
Moisture Content: 8%–10%
Appearance: Dark green, whole leaves
Packaging: 10 kg woven polypropylene bags
Storage Conditions: Cool, dry place, 20–25°C, away from direct sunlight
Shelf Life: 12 months
Origin: Indonesia.
Taro Leaves (Colocasia esculenta) are large, heart-shaped leaves from the taro plant, used as a leafy green vegetable in many cuisines, particularly in Southeast Asia and the Pacific Islands. Taro leaves are rich in vitamins A and C, fiber, and minerals such as calcium and iron. They must be cooked thoroughly to remove natural toxins before consumption. Taro leaves are often used in curries, stews, and traditional dishes such as Laing, a Filipino dish made with coconut milk and spices. They have a slightly earthy flavor that pairs well with rich, savory ingredients.